WordPress Consulting

Do not be alone anymore in the meanders of digital communication!

Each his job as we can say trivially. If you are an expert in your area of expertise, you can easily understand that this requires learning, experience and know-how.

The same is true for the digital professions. Professions in perpetual transformation which require curiosity and permanent watch .

Expertise and Method

By choosing mnstd , you entrust your expertise to a professional over 10 years old who has followed the evolutions of web 2.0 with the emergence of GAFAM and big data.

It’s not just about creating a website and letting it live its life. Some have this chance, for others, the majority, it is necessary to create a dedicated strategy , often long term, to envisage relevant and lasting results . Your website is an extension of your commercial and marketing services, it is your showcase .

Whether in the choice of your technical tools or in the methods to be used to be visible to your communities, mnstd supports you upstream from your needs (Audit and advice), on a daily basis in the changes to be made (SEO) and analyzes for you the statistics of your digital footprint (Validation, Evolution and Transformation).

An audit, a project? Let’s talk about it.

Modern and useful interfaces.

Just as we organize a store, it is necessary to think of our website for your visitors and the image we want to give them . We talk on the web about UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience).

The website should be thought out to facilitate user navigation. Depending on the strategy defined, we will favor the bounce rate, the visit time and / or the validation of the predefined scenario . To do this, we will rely on adapted graphic constructions, a clear tree structure and enriched contents .

Our partners


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A website projet, a maintenance need or an advice ? Feel free to contact us, It will be a pleasure to gives you the best advices matched to your needs.



We power the mntnce. solution !
Outsourced website maintenance and support service. A 100% online, fast and efficient solution. Entrust your webmastering to business experts! Solution available today for the WordPress CMS.

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