WordPress Maintenance

Protect yourself from unpleasant surprises!

A poorly maintained website can quickly become dilapidated and dangerous for the image and health of your business .

An update not carried out, an attack not blocked, a forgotten backup, and here you are in a jug with a site returning a nice error 500 … If this tool is your main provider of customers, it is certain that it will harm your turnover. Nothing is immutable, everything is repairable! However, the initial application of good maintenance practices will protect you against many setbacks, especially financial.

Serenity and ambition

mnstd assures you of WordPress maintenance best practices . Whether preventive, corrective or evolving , maintenance is essential to the life and evolution of your website. Through, among other things, automatic backups and regular updates , we make sure that your web tool is in good working order.

You are not a mnstd customer and despite all your precautions, your website is damaged? Do not panic, in 95% of cases we are able to correct the error and make your website operational again .

Do you want to entrust us with the optimization of your website? Take advantage of our expertise and advice ! Studies show that after 3 seconds of loading, a user is likely to leave a website without even having visited it. This little statistic shows the importance of offering your audience an efficient and fast website . To do this, several techniques are available to us and can be used to guarantee loading times that meet standards .
Have you noticed loading problems or want to optimize your loading times? Contact us or opt for our mntnce. maintenance service.

A need? Consult us.

mntnce., quick and well done

mntnce. is the first all-in-one WordPress website maintenance service. Developed in-house, this 100% online solution provides our customers with support under 30 minutes *.

Evolution on a page, a theme, WordPress update, Plugins integration, user creation, database backup,… More than 500 tickets at fair prices are referenced and cover all of your maintenance needs .

Discover mntnce.

* with the PANIC option!


You are interested ?

A website projet, a maintenance need or an advice ? Feel free to contact us, It will be a pleasure to gives you the best advices matched to your needs.



We power the mntnce. solution !
Outsourced website maintenance and support service. A 100% online, fast and efficient solution. Entrust your webmastering to business experts! Solution available today for the WordPress CMS.

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